Town Planning Information Pack And Additional Information

Policies and information prepared by the shire on a range subjects to provide guidance in relation to the Shire's town planning and building requirements.

Town Planning Application Pack

Additional Town Planning Documentation Infomation

  • Outbuildings
  • Relocation Second Hand Buildings
  • Fencing Design and Construction for Brookton Townsite
  • Residential Development on Farming Zoned Lots/Locations
  • Subdivision/Amalgamation Information
    Subdivision is the process of splitting a single land holding (title), or a number of titles. Amalgamation is the process of combining two or more lots into a single lot on one title.
  • Home Occupations and Cottage Industries
    A home occupation means a business or activity carried out within a dwelling house or the curtilage of a house.
  • Rural Townsite Zone Information
    Most land on the outskirts of the Brookton Townsite is zoned 'Rural Townsite' under the Shire of Brookton Town Planning Scheme No .4
  • Farming Zone Information
    Most land outside of the Brookton Townsite is zoned 'Farming' under the Shire of Brookton Town Planning Scheme No .4
  • Residential Zone Information
    Most homes and small vacant lots within the Brookton Townsite are zoned 'Residential' under the Shire of Brookton Town Planning Scheme No .4


8.1  Relocated Buildings

8.2  Rural Subdivision

8.3  Garden Sheds

8.4  Residential Development Low Lying Lands

8.5  Temporary Dwellings

8.6  Sewerage Connection

8.7  Temporary Transportable Offices

8.8  Town Planning Fees Refund

8.9  Fencing Design

8.10 Residential Development Unconstructed Roads

8.11 Outbuilding

8.12 Tree Cropping

8.13 Patio Verandah Carport

8.14 Signage

8.15 Developer Contributions